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Saffron crowned tanager David Hemmings
Multi colored tanager David Hemmings
Scarlett Bellied Mountain Tanager David Hemmings
Green crowned brilliant hummingbird David Hemmings
Violet Ear Hummingbird David Hemmings
Grey breasted Mountain Toucan  David Hemmings
Flower Piercer David Hemmings
Green crowned brilliant hummingbird David Hemmings
Green Jay Columbia Birds David Hemmings
Crimson Rumped Toucanet
Cock of the Rock Columbia David Hemmings
Green Honeycreeper Columbia David Hemmings

Birds of Colombia
Hummingbirds, Cock of the Rock and so much more!

Colombia has more bird species than any other country in the world and on this specially designed tour we will enjoy numerous photographic opportunities to capture some of the country’s most stunning birds.

Doing bird photography in Colombia is a must. It is the ‘birdiest’ country in the world. Nowhere else on the planet you will find more bird species than here. There are over 1,900 registered species, 80 endemic, and this number represents 20% of all the species of birds in the world.

With more than 1,900 species recorded, Colombia is the most bird-rich country on earth and one of the best destinations for a bird photography workshop and tour. Our trip begins in the Western Andes region where feeders in the grounds of our lodges and private reserves attract a dazzling variety of very photogenic tanagers, barbets and hummingbirds, including a number of endemics and restricted species. In the surrounding forest a range of quetzals, woodpeckers, motmots and toucans will be among our photographic targets.

The San Antonio Cloud Forest provides an excellent introduction to bird photography in the Colombian Andes. Some of the best bird feeder set ups in Colombia are found within one hour of this bird rich area, each with its unique perches and variety of birds. In addition, for those who enjoy photographing in natural environments this portion of the western Andes offers some very well-preserved habitat. At feeder sites, this tour targets species such as the endemics Multicolored Tanager and Colombian Chachalaca and near endemics such as Scrub, Flame-rumped, Golden-naped, Saffron-crowned, Rufous-throated tanagers. In terms of hummingbirds, more than 20 species occur at the feeders including Blue-headed Sapphire, Purple-throated Woodstar, Long-billed Starthroat, Long-tailed Sylph, Booted Rackettail and Black-throated Mango.

The route then climbs to the central Andean range, to the world-renown Rio Blanco and Tinamu Reserves near Manizales, where there are excellent chances for Antpittas, tanagers and hummingbirds at the feeders, plus many other cloud forest and montane birds. After more ascending, one can soak in hot springs overlooking the scenic Central Andes and look for species adapted to high elevations in Los Nevados National Park with the beautiful Nevado del Ruiz as a backdrop.

We then head to Jardin to the world’s best photography set up at an Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek, where it is common to have more than 10 individuals posing for the cameras. The tour ends with a day in Bogota, photographing more than ten species of hummingbirds at the very famous Observatorio de Colibris.

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Churchill Birds


"Costa Rica Bird Photography Workshop I have nothing but positive praise for the Costa Rica- Biodiversity Workshop with Natures Photo Adventures -workshop leader David Hemmings. David and his local guide Vernon made this an outstanding workshop experience. Some of the outstanding elements were the close encounters with numerous beautiful bird species in their natural environment; the opportunity to photograph gorgeous hummingbirds in flight; and to be able to see and photograph the stunning Resplendent Quetzal, Trogons and beautiful Macaws. 


David’s wonderful sense of humor, patience and knowledge made for a relaxing and inspiring learning environment. Vernon’s excellent ear for bird sounds and intimate knowledge of the environment opened up many opportunities to see and photograph exotic birds. The accommodations and meals were excellent with special care to individual dietary restrictions. I highly recommend this workshop. By the way, my experience was so positive, that I have signed up for the Alaska grizzly bear photography workshop in August 2014" T. Churchill

Nov.04-14, 2025, Nov. 04-14 2026, Nov 04-14 2027
Price: $8895 USD pp. Deposit: $2000 USD Balance due Aug.18. 
Included: All expert photo instruction, meals starting with welcome dinner on first night, guides, drivers, land transportation. Airport pick up and drop off.  All accommodations based on double occupancy. Single Supplement $500.
Not included: International airfare to place of tour origin. Any additional nights accommodation outside of the tour dates. Additional tips for staff such as guides and camp staff. Fees for passport, visas, immunizations and insurance. Some meals, beverages, alcoholic beverages. Laundry, phone

and other items of a personal nature.  Extra day trips not included in the itinerary.

Please read our Refund Policy 

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